Friday, May 25, 2007

Really mighty heart

The new movie, A Mighty Heart, directed by Michael Winterbottom will certainly open the eyes of many Americans to Pakistan our ally on the war against terrorism. Angela Jolie's role will bring many to the theaters to relive the awful abduction and killing of journalist Pearl. Tragic as that death was there is a continuing tragedy taking place; the abductions that go on and on in Pakistan, abductions of girls and young women. In Urdu the words "char divari" refer to the huge walled compounds which are the homes of millions of traditional people. Hundreds of young women disappear behind these "char divari' for life! Their families grieve about their abduction, but know in their hearts that their daughters will not return home. A few have escaped and returned home but the tragedy begins anew for these brave hearts. Their families frequently reject them, they have had sexual experience outside of marriage, they have been raped, they are unclean and non-virginal. They become victims all over again; family rejection, possible court action under "sharia", a trial which condemns them under the Hudood Ordinance, labelling them with "zina" adultlery, and then even a possible death penallty. Does this sound impossible? (What happened in Turkey two weeks ago ? An 18 year old girl was stoned to death, a brutal sight which we witnessed on television? ) One person with a really MIGHTY HEART is Mukhtaran Bibi who is fighting the injustice of the system in Pakistan with her new book, In the Name of Honor" which bravely speaks against her forced rape and their legal system that is based on religious fundamentalism. Now there is a Mighty Heart! Read her book, see her movie and support the battle against unjust abduction and the Hudood Ordinance of Pakistan.